Q: In one of your recent ceramahs, you were very critical of the development which took place in Subang Jaya and USJ, saying that you want to put a stop to it if you are elected.
I am a small businessman operating a herbal store with a branch in ss15 and one in Taipan USJ. Although the development of Subang Jaya did bring about an increase in traffic and parking woes, it greatly benefited a lot of small-time businesspeople like myself. This I know from my conversations with the other traders in Subang Jaya, most of whom are happy with the increase in business. Also, these developments in Subang Jaya which you criticized also directly benefited lot of Subang Jaya residents by boosting the value of their homes.
How do you plan to ensure that Subang Jaya continues to flourish and not stagnate in the coming years if you were to be elected?